Support a Child Mother

“Give not because you have much, but because you know how it feels to have nothing. There are many ways to give and whichever way, our aim is to create a smile on the face of someone who will accept that little we give.”

Below are a few of our immediate need child mothers and their new born that are seeking assistance today. Please consider sponsoring one or more girls or a simple contribution. A typical monthly donation is $65.00 a month. Thank you for your consideration –

#1   Evalyn

Evalyn is 16 years old and pregnant. Her education level is senior level.

Evalyn’s parents forced her to live with the man responsible for her pregnancy; she is sadden to have to leave her parent’s home.

She express the difficulty of life with the baby’s father since his income is unstable.

#2   Rashida

Rashida is 15 years old and Pregnant. Left school at Senior 1 level.

She ran away from home when she became pregnant in fear of harassment by her parents. She also fears of no other options but to live with the boyfriend.

The boyfriend is a Chapati Maker but income is unstable to meet their daily needs.

#3    Mariam

Mariam is 16 years old and pregnant. Her education level is Primary 7.

Mariam wants to be able to provide for her baby but lacks education or a vocation to do so. The baby’s father sells bananas in the market but little is known of his ability to provide Mariam and baby.

#4  Prossy

Prossy is 15 years old and pregnant. Her education level is Primary 6.

She lives with her single mother. Financial situation is unhealthy.

The baby’s father is a sugarcane truck driver with meager income. He has not provided adequate support to Prossy’s physical condition.

#5  Shadia

Shadia is 15 years old and pregnant.  Her education level is unknown at this time.

She lives with her single mother. Her mom continues to complain about her actions and consequences that put a burden on the household.

The baby’s dad ran away in hiding to avoid support when he found Shadia pregnant.

#6  Hairat

Hairat is 17 years old and pregnant. Her education level is Primary 7. Her mother could not afford to send her to school when she need school supplies.

She lives with her single mother. Baby’s father is not adequately supplementing for medical conditions for baby’s delivery.

#7 Hadijah

Hadijah is 15 years old with her newborn. Her education level is Primary 5. Newborn girl was born November 1, 2019.

The boyfriend tries to provide but it’s not efficient to meet their needs.

#8 Jackline

Jackline is 16 years old. Her education level is Senior 2.

When Jackeline got pregnant the family told her to go to the man responsible of the pregnancy. The boyfriend works as a barber attendant.

#9 Rebecca

Rebecca is 16 years old.  Her education level is Primary 5.

Rebecca lives with her mother and does not receive any assistant from the boyfriend for her or the baby. Her economic condition is unstable. She does not have blankets or clothing for her baby.

Rebecca is in extreme need of assistance for herself and child.

#10 Jovia

Jovia is 16 years old. Her education level is Primary 7.  Jovia is living with her single father. Her boyfriend is able to provide a meager amount of support for her and the baby.